LATEST DISCOVERIES ABOUT LEONARDO DA VINCI   On the occasion of a new discovery about Leonardo da Vinci, in June 2016, I had the honour to talk with Alessandro Vezzosi, an outstanding man, art critic, leonardista, interdisciplinary expert and creative … Continued


A FAMOUS BRITISH YOGA MASTER, YOGABEATS FOUNDER, ABOUT PEACE, LOVE AND HIS COUSIN – AMY WHINEHOUSE      David Sye, Frankie Vaughan’s son and well known British musician, singer of No Mad Karma and King Hippy bands, after strong experiences … Continued


TALENTED POLISH ACTRESS SETS HER SIGHT ON INTERNATIONAL         Magdalena Korpas, born in Gdansk, Poland, is a film and stage actress (Sorbonne University, Studio Pygmalion School and the Compagnie Le Vélo Volé School directed by François Ha … Continued