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Although they are still unknown to the general public, slowly but with a big success, they have started to conquer Europe with their alternative and unusually original music that, believe me, it addicts. 3moonboys is a Polish band from Bydgoszcz singing in English and performing alternative rock. Founded in 2004, initially appearing in the name Piąta Strona Świata [Fifth World Party] (until 2000) and Charlie Sleeps (up to 2004). Current members are Wojciech Kotwicki (guitar and vocal), Marcin Karnowski (lyrics, drums), Miłosz Runge (sound synthesizers), Piotr Michalski (bass), Radek Drwęcki (sound synthesizers). They have so far released six albums and 2 singles: „3moonboys” (2004), „Only music can save us” (2006), „This is not 3moonboys” (2007), „16” (2009), singles “A knee” (2012), „SKAKANKAN” (2012), ”Steps” single (2014) and the last work, „Na tym zdjęciu wcale nie wyglądasz grubo” [In this photo you do not look fat] (2014). Their future goal, like they proudly confessed to me in a quick Skype interview, is Iceland and Norway. After being already famous in Poland and Germany, „now it’s hight time to show up in Scandinavia”, admit. I am convinced They will soon addict the rest of the world. It’s only a matter of time…

Your music makes people addictive. How could you autodefine your gender? What is your leading idea?

Thank you. If 3moonboys makes addictive, I hope it is a good habit, something like an addiction to fudge gumdrops or films with Bogart Humpfreyem. We’d rather avoid naming corset, but if we would have to specify the type of the sensitivity of the band, We think most accurate and safest at the same time will be slipping 3moonboys into a drawer described as alternative rock. This password is so capacious that it does not close properly any other way. I’ve never tried to determine the exact direction or define the creed of the group. A certain type of action was formed itself and in fact still forms because it is a permanent dynamic process. Generally we can say that playing music is our way of meeting people.

You sing in English. You play quite often abroad. In which countries have you already played and where you go soon?

We sang in English up to the LP „Skakankan” (2012), while our last album „Na tym zdjęciu wcale nie wyglądasz grubo”[In this photo does not look fat] (2014) it is entirely in Polish. We did it the first time and we absolutely love this kind of singing. As for the issue of travelling we are gearing us up a bit soon to play abroad. We take part in an international project that will start soon. Its range is Poland, Iceland and Norway, so we’ll be playing in Oslo, Reykjavik and several cities in Poland.

You released a new Polish album this year. How long does it take to produce a cd?

More and less (laugh). The new album was released November 14, 2014. Usually traveling the path from idea to releasing the album takes us about 2 years. But there is no rule. Some steps occur quickly, others slowly.

Which piece are you most proud of? Is there one song that’s your favorite?

We do not think We can answer that question. Each cd is treated as a whole. The last album consists of various songs that together tell a story. I think if you ask the author of the image that colors placed on the canvas are most important to him, will have a similar quandary. Because it’s the relation between the individual elements make up the final result.

Do you have already a new idea for a new project? What is your inspiration at the moment?

We are currently working with the aforementioned project, whose implementation is to take place in Poland and Scandinavia. I think it will be inspiring experience. From the activities we have planned to produce a new album. Surely we won’t record a typical disc, but Bespoke really attracts us.


Short Bio

3moonboys bn

3moonboys during one of their shows. Photo by Barbara Podgórska.

3moonboys is a Polish band from Bydgoszcz singing in English and performing alternative rock. Founded in 2004, initially appearing in the name Fifth World Party (until 2000) and Charlie Sleeps (up to 2004). Current members are Wojciech Kotwicki (guitar and vocal), Marcin Karnowski (lyrics, drums), Miłosz Runge (sound synthesizers), Piotr Michalski (bass), Radek Drwęcki (sound synthesizers). They released till now six albums and 2 singles: „3moonboys” (2004), „Only music can save us” (2006), „This is not 3moonboys” (2007), „16” (2009), a single “A knee” from 2012, „SKAKANKAN” (2012), ”Steps” single (2014) and the last one, „In this photo you do not look fat” (2014).


3moonboys & Panos From Komodo @ POSTCARD FROM OSLO, 2015
A KNEE, 2012